Sunday, March 5, 2017

Obsidian Stargazer

Capricorn with Moon in Scorpio seeks out emotional intensity. 
Lunar Scorpios can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. 
Their intuition is enormous and they tend to be highly astute. 
This ability to "see" what isn't obvious can be intimidating or wildly attractive. 
Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. 
They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a lover to give up something for them. 
Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. 
However, once committed, they can be the most loyal and protective of partners. 
Even the shy ones have enormous presence. 
They spend a lot of time mastering their emotions. 
They radiate strength, even in the absence of experience; they seem to "just know". 
Some people instinctively want to lean on them, and other less brave folk run a little scared. 
They have exceptional "radar" that allows them to size up a situation quickly and expertly. 
This ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too close for comfort for some. 
Those that use their enormous powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest, 
and make the most interesting and rewarding friends and lovers.