Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The celestial heavens have never seen such fury...
the night skies ripped open in a scream of agony
casting hail and fire upon the fields of mankind
burning flames, the colors of blood... and amber

the once tranquil oceans... roil in agonizing pain
massive waves... the likes never seen, churning... to and fro
crashing upon the rocky shores like a hammer upon glass
mercilessly casting its children  upon the up-heaving land

the earth ripped asunder like a plaything in a giant's hands
geysers spewing not water, but the burning blood of the earth
mountains exploding... sending rock and fire into the night sky
a perverted light show... heralding... death and destruction

yet none can truly capture the wrath of a lover's scorn
love given... only to be thrust into the depths of betrayal
trust broken... and impaled upon the jagged edges of  duplicity
a sense of despair that replaces any hope of continuing existence

an Apocalypse of mind, heart, and soul

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