Friday, December 23, 2011

Life's lessons

When I was young... I loved the world
people were good and were my teachers
friends were the best and always by my side
family was a constant and had all the answers...
best of all... I fell in love

falling in love... made me grow up
no longer did I live a selfish life
all that I did was for the one I loved
nothing made me more fulfilled than making her happy...
unexpected thing to happen...she broke my heart

a broken heart...makes you old and bitter
lost love doesn't make you sad and depressed
it makes you hate... everyone and everything
love songs and memories reminds you of what you lost...
worst thing to happen...I went numb

going numb...made me lonely and desperate
empathy is replaced with sadism
but hatred fills the void with some kind of emotion
hurt the world more than it hurts you and you win...
last thing I expected to happen...I became a little wiser

being wiser...made me sad, but opened my eyes
sometimes love is not eternal...nor shared
fairy tales do not come true and it okay to cry
we live our lives one day at a time 
next thing to happen....I... I just don't know


  1. If despite everything that you have experienced you have not allowed the hate to define you as a person, then you have learned the lesson.

  2. I very much understand this. I am at peace with my recent break up, although I do miss the friendship we had had for many years. I have let my thoughts come out in writing and in solace with nature. Time heals all wounds and in our pondering we do find the reason for why these things happen. Namaste
