Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Search

into the shaded darkness...
I wander deeper into an unyielding forest
the harder I search...the more entangled I become
in a world far from what I once knew  

my steps quiet...
not wanting to disturb the melody of life
in the deeper reaches of the forest lies an open glade
exhausted and trembling...I fall upon an ivy covered log 
my senses opening to that which is around me

noise begins to chorus back to normal 
the brush of wind caressing the majestic guardians
whistling through branches...leaves softly cascade onto the forest floor
birds pick up on the melody, harmonizing to life ebbing away

breathing deeply...
drinking in the heavy mead of life around me
the heady scent of pine... flavored with touches of dated lavender
moss and peat... wet from an earlier rainfall
a lingering taste of ozone 

eyes tearing...
I see life slowly circling towards it restful sleep
Autumn oranges and reds covering the forest floor
a snowfall of embers, bright vibrant colors shouting in death 
"I will emblazon the world...death will not be done quietly"

wetting my lips....
I taste the saltiness of my tears
yet, longing for the sweetness of what life was
instead... it is the bitterness of decay that swirls around my mouth
likened to an over-ripened fruit that has long seen its day 

skin prickles...
feeling the chill of an early evening shadow 
slowly the eternal night shifts towards this haven
crawling into the deepness of this once protected warm shelter
bones feeling the harsh grip of winter's hold

darkness enfolding the setting light
deafening silence replaces life's eternal music
the sense of tiredness overburdens my shoulders
sleep awaits...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Journey

shed me not a tear
for I now travel on a journey
one... that is new to me
with sights and sounds I've never known

shed me not a tear
for I will meet new people
and gain new experiences
even my troubles will be eye opening

shed me not a tear
for even if you are not with me
I will always carry a part of you...
as a part of me, will always be with you

shed me not a tear...
my lost love